Behind the Blooms
It's that time of year again for Continuing Education classes at Trident Technical College to start up. This summer Tiger Lily is teaching and hosting classes in Funeral Design and Floral Design I. Students that have signed up for the classes
will learn basic floral design skills to help them gain better insight into what it takes to be a floral designer in today's market place. Tiger Lily's 6000 square foot facility on Spring Street, custom designed for efficiency, will help up to 20 students learn the ins and outs of what it really means to work in the floral industry.
Students use fresh flowers to create everything from hand held bouquets to casket sprays. Instructor and co-owner, Clara Gonzales makes sure that each student creats as many variations as possible with the flowers they have for that lesson, as well as taking something pretty home with them.
Visit for future class schedule or to sign up on line.
Happy Designing Everyone!