One of my favorite aspects of what we do is where we do it. We're lucky to live in a town that has ancient plantations, beaches, historic churches, mansions, 5-star hotels and more. Between daily flower deliveries, wedding set-ups and event pick-ups we get to be in some pretty unique places.
Above is a photo of a wedding we recently did on a working shrimp boat. Designer Hayley Crislip set it up. It wasn't an extensive wedding flower-wise, but it sure was cool. The ship was moored at the famous Shem Creek in Mt Pleasant. While we were setting up, all kind of boats were cruising past giving us shout-outs. From 80 foot+ (and multi-million dollar) sportfishing yachts to paddlers in kayaks, they were all enjoying the water on a beautiful Friday afternoon.
The bride knew the shrimping family, and they thought the idea of hosting the wedding on the shrimp boat was brilliant. In typical lowcountry hospitality fashion, the shrimpers painted the entire boat just for the occassion! In fact the entire vessel was spotless and shrimp odor free. For outsiders, hosting a shrimp boat wedding may seem strange, but down here it is the ultimate local luxury. Call it "old school", "keeping it real", "on the down low" or whatever you want, you have to be real lucky to have the opportunity.
Other different places I've been: under a haunted oak tree on a plantation at midnight, behind the altar at just about every famous church in Charleston, wading in the surf under a full moon looking for a chuppa frame (lost it to the tide), several roof tops, cemeteries, restaurant kitchens, and crematoriums. Last month I was in the Injured Sea Turtle Rehab Center at the SC Aquarium...that was awesome.
After I took these photos, I stopped at the shrimp shack, bought two pounds large-"heads off", and grilled them up for my famous shrimp tacos family feast. Lowcountry Living indeed.
Labels: lowcountry, lowcountry food bank, shem creek wedding, shrimp, weddings