Summer is here, the weather is HOT, and school is out. Holy Communion Church, located across the street from the shop, is having day camps for the parishoners children. They called us on a busy day to see if the youngsters could have a "Field Trip" to Tiger Lily. Of coursed we said yes.
Now there are two things that ruin our production schedule: puppies and babies. Whenever either come to Tiger Lily, all production comes to a screeching halt as the staff oohs and ahhs over the cuteness. This continues until the puppy or child leaves the premises, whether it's 5 minutes or an hour. The field trip was no different.
We could see the kids through the window as they were coming over. They were waiting to cross the street with their teachers, all neat and cute and holding hands. In short, "They had us at 'helllo' ". Once inside, their faces really lit up when they saw the flowers. We were working on an underwater-themed arrangement, and they all huddled around General Manager Lauren Seaborn as she explained the design. They especially loved the gerberas and fish props. The young 'uns got to make a little budvase, and stand inside the walk-in cooler. We should have "let" them wash buckets! Of course, during their stay nothing got done design wise. Luckily it was only 30 minutes or so. It the long run it benefitted us because we got to see the effects of flowers on the kids and it really energized us. Fun stuff!
Labels: charelston, field trip, flowers, Holy Communion Church, kids, summer